Health Justice Seminar with Dr. Ben Davies
From 03/07 to 07/07 occured a Health Justice Seminar that was available for graduate and undergraduate students.
Thank you to the Oxford professor Dr. Ben Davies and everyone who participated :).
From 03/07 to 07/07 occured a Health Justice Seminar that was available for graduate and undergraduate students.
Thank you to the Oxford professor Dr. Ben Davies and everyone who participated :).
Confira o 5º número do Boletim Bíos – Ciência e Ética a Serviço da Vida! 🤓
“Sufficiency, pain, and the purpose of healthcare”, escrita pelo professor da Oxford Ben Davies.
Participe do lançamento do novo livro do nosso coordenador de projeto Darlei Dall’Agnol 🙂
“Bioética, Biodireito & Biopolítica: Reflexões filosóficas sobre uma pandemia”
O evento acontecerá dia 16/08 (quarta-feira) às 17:30 em frente ao auditório EFI na UFSC.
Confira o 4º número do Boletim Bíos – Ciência e Ética a Serviço da Vida! 🤓
“Os dilemas éticos dos testes de desafio humano“, escrita pelo nosso pós-doutorando Lucas Costa de Olivera.
Já está no ar tudo o que vai rolar no I Workshop BIOJUSPAN, que acontecerá entre 14-16 de Agosto dentro do 13° Principia.
Check out the new book that was published by one of our researchers.
Moral Challenges in a Pandemic Age
by Evandro Barbosa
The COVID-19 pandemic, whose consequences will be felt in the long term, can be interpreted as a signal that we have been living in a pandemic age. A pandemic is humanity’s common ground, so the moral problems inherent in it are of interest to everyone from now on. It brought a set of moral challenges that cannot be ignored.
This book – which emerged amid the novel coronavirus crisis – is designed to fill the gap in the current literature on the topic, offering an original approach to its moral implications. It can be taken as a guide in the face of these pandemic-age challenges for human relations.
The pandemic is a multifaceted phenomenon, and its debate involves a wide variety of practical philosophical concerns. All the chapters of this book, divided into four sections, aim to clarify its central aspects, while each chapter provides an original approach to the debate’s leading issues and relies on each most significant collaborator’s expertise. Also, they reflect their unique pandemic experiences under the scrutiny of philosophical unrest.
Since the pandemic is an ongoing event, Moral Challenges in a Pandemic Age will be of interest to professors, students, and researchers engaged in understanding the ethical dimension of the age we are experiencing. The problems addressed in this collection transcend the boundaries of the philosophical field, offering an innovative approach to individuals keen on discussing the pandemic from a moral point of view. Such a discussion encompasses the philosophical inquiry but is not restricted to it. Those interested in related areas such as psychology, sociology, biology, public health, education, anthropology, and cultural studies – to name a few – will find connections with parallel themes in this book. In addition, the collection brings a theoretically supported approach to several related debates in a language accessible to anyone who wants to know more about the topic.
Confira o 3º número do Boletim Bíos – Ciência e Ética a Serviço da Vida! 🤓
“Quando não são suficientes as regras do jogo”, escrita pelo nosso pós-doutorando Fernando Maurício da Silva.
Convidamos a todas as pessoas interessadas a realizar o curso “Health Justice” que será ministrado pelo professor visitante Dr. Ben Davies (University of Oxford/University of Sheffield).
Para a(o)s discentes de Mestrado e Doutorado do PPGFil/UFSC, o curso poderá ser validado como uma disciplina de 2 créditos. Informações para a matrícula aqui.
A(O)s discentes de graduação e da comunidade com freqüência suficiente (75%) terão direito a obter certificado de extensão (20h) fornecido pela UFSC.
Quando: 03/07 a 07/07/2023
Horário: 14:20h
Local: Sala Selvino Assmann (CFH, 2º andar, Bloco D)
Programa da disciplina (syllabus)
Boletim Bíos – Ciência e Ética a Serviço da Vida! 🤓
Confira nossa nova publicação: “What would you prefer as a doctor: a real human agent or a Chatbot? A thought experiment”, escrita pelo nosso pesquisador Marco Antonio Azevedo.