Welcome to BIOJUSPAN Project

Bioethics, Distributive Justice and Pandemics

Coordinator: Darlei Dall’Agnol

This project presents a proposal for bioethical research on issues of distributive justice before, during and after the occurrence of pandemics. The idea is to evaluate public health policies that seem to have been ineffective and unfair in dealing with COVID-19 and propose new ones. The central question is this: which are, in the health care sector, the best public policies to distribute resources (e.g., for allocation of intensive care units and other scarce technologies, vaccine and drug production, incorporation of scientific knowledge in medicine, health-related problems caused by climate crises), to foster human and social development both in pandemic and in non-pandemic times? The main goal is to provide bioethical justification for the application of a principle of justice grounding public health policies, with a focus on producing empirical evidence to improve decision-making processes in the areas of public health and clinical care during pandemic and non-pandemic times.